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Self-Storage Options While Remodeling!

Self-Storage While Remodeling Your Home or Business

Anyone with a home or business knows that junk can accumulate exponentially, resulting in piles of stuff that no one knows what to do with and that takes up valuable space. Most people stash their stuff away in garages, basements, attics and closets but when it comes time for a home renovation, all that pile-up presents a problem. Even frequently used items such as furniture and appliances need to find a temporary new home during a major remodeling. All of this requires extra space and effort to pack your valuables up and store them in a safe, secure location. That is precisely where Pack-Rat Moving-Storage containers come in to really save the day! Call PACK-RAT at (877) 729-8344 and Save up to $150 on Moves and 15% off on Storage for your next Local and Long-Distance Moving and Storage - CLICK HERE: PACK-RAT Promo Code then copy & paste this Promo Code: V0021P1 for your Discount!

Moving-Storage containers could be just the thing you need to solve your renovation issues and vital concerns. Old moving companies or a mediocre, self-storage facility will just never cut the mustard! PACK-RAT self-storage units take the pain out of having to organize your household or business-owned fixtures and figuring out where to shuffle and re-locate this stuff around. Just pack everything up and PACK-RAT moves it to the facility and unloads it. How cool is that?! Once your remodel is finished, the process just reverses. So easy! PACK-RAT Moving-storage containers offer a new way to handle your temporary storage needs.

Here are the advantages of using a portable storage company while renovating.

  • Space: Getting your big items and valuables out of the way during the renovation will ensure your project can carry on without delay, and you will enjoy peace of mind knowing nothing will be damaged or stolen. Businesses can also benefit from the convenience of portable moving storage containers for storing excess inventory, seasonal furnishings and fixtures or during an expansion or downsizing.
  • Accessibility: A portable storage unit can remain on your property for the length of your renovation, allowing you easy access to your stuff. You can also rest easy knowing nothing will be damaged by rough handling, or the bumps and jostling of transport.
  • Environment: PACK-RAT Moving-Storage containers may be transported to the company’s EXCELLENT, climate-controlled storage facility. If your renovation will last for an extended period of time, the storage facility environment ensures your furniture, electronics and other valuables will not be harmed by mold or extreme temperatures.
  • Security: PACK-RAT Portable storage facilities feature on-site management, 24/7 video surveillance, secure warehouse doors and only you will have access to your storage units.

Don’t leave your home at the mercy of construction crews, debris and dust. Packing and relocating your furniture, valuable household goods or business equipment in moving-storage containers are a much more effective alternative. You can be confident that all your possessions are safe and out of the way once the work gets going. After the renovations are done, putting your home back together again will be an absolute piece-of-cake. The time and money you will save will enable you to savor that moment!

Call or CLICK HERE NOW: PACK-RAT Promo Code: V0021P1 and Save up to $150 or 15% Off your next Local and Long-Distance Moving and Storage Units!

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